Introducing One2Safe – the worlds first disposable Viral Containment Device
(VCD) made from paper.
As we emerge from lockdown and measures are relaxed,
shops and shoppers will want to take all possible precautions and that besides the usual social distancing and handwashing, we’ll be wearing masks or some sort
of face covering even if not mandated.
Making the use of this disposable Viral Containment Device (VCD) widely available will relieve the pressure on scarce PPE the NHS and other essential workers need.
The One2Safe VCD – made of paper – is not intended to protect the wearer from getting the virus but to help stop the wearer from spreading it – hence the title.
The idea is that stores will offer them to customers as used to happen with plastic bags. Customers may have brought their own, but if not, there’ll always be one available.
100% Recyclable.
100% Biodegradable.
100% Sustainable.

In April 2020, Science magazine ran a rare interview with George Gao,
director-general of the Chinese Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention.
“The big mistake in the US and Europe, in my opinion, is that people aren’t
wearing masks,” he said. “This virus is transmitted by droplets and close contact.
Droplets play a very important role – you’ve got to wear a mask, because when
you speak, there are always droplets coming out of your mouth. Many people have asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic infections. If they are wearing a face mask,
it can prevent droplets that carry the virus from escaping and infecting others.
This seems so obvious when it’s explained so clearly by someone
who knows what he’s talking about.

The big mistake in the US and Europe, in my opinion, is that people aren’t wearing masks.
George Gao
Director-general of the Chinese Centre
for Diseases Control and Prevention

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Public Health Wales (PHW),
Public Health Agency (PHA), Northern Ireland, Health Protection Scotland (HPS),
Public Health England, NHS England and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
are all working together to issue guidance to health care professionals and the general public.
1… 2… 3…
The One2Safe VCD can be constructed and placed comfortably
over the nose and mouth in just three easy steps.

We’re proud to donate 1% of
all purchases to NHS charities.

Step 1
Push the two small tabs
open marked 1on the
left and right.

Step 2
Slot the two tabs
marked 1through the
slots marked 2
(these are cut into the
chin part of the VCD).

Step 3
Put the folded VCD over
your nose and mouth and
fasten it with the two side
straps marked 3 on the
top of your head so it
holds tightly.

To fit the VCD properly, the strap should be located on the top of the head and not the back of the head (as illustrated).

To find out more about our face covering product
click the get in touch button below to request additional information.